On Farm Classes

Upcoming Classes

Taste of History: A Hands-on Exploration of Shrubs! 

Wednesday July 31th 6- 8pm at Sweet Willow Wellness in DePere

INSTRUCTORS from Adam's Heirlooms
Dianna Diehl & Rebekah Harding

MUST SIGN UP on Sweet Willow Wellness Website 

COST: $45, includes recipes and your own shrub to take home!

Join us for an exploration of a forgotten gem from America’s colonial past: the Shrub! Think of it as the original “drinking vinegar,” a delightful and versatile concoction made by infusing apple cider vinegar with fruits, spices, and raw sugar to balance it out with a touch of sweetness.  

Our guides, Dianna Diehl, co-owner of Adam’s Heirlooms, along with her sister and shrub connoisseur, Rebekah Harding, will whisk you away on a journey through time, uncovering the history of this intriguing beverage and unlocking their potential in your modern kitchen.

But this isn’t just a history lesson! In this class, you will:

  • Discover the versatility of shrubs: From cooling summer beverages to creative mocktails and cocktails, Dianna will unveil the many ways to incorporate shrubs into your culinary repertoire.
  • Think beyond the glass: Shrubs aren’t just for sipping! Learn how to add a delightful twist to your everyday cooking by incorporating Shrubs into marinades, salad dressings, and top off the evening with a truly unique treat – a decadent shrub ice cream sundae!
  • Embark on a flavor adventure: Prepare to tantalize your taste buds with a delightful tasting session. Sample a variety of Shrubs and experience their unique flavor profiles firsthand.
  • Craft Your Own Shrub Creativity: Leave the class with a treasure trove of delicious recipes and newfound knowledge. Unleash your creativity in the kitchen and start composing your own shrub masterpieces!

In this class the perfect blend of historical intrigue and pure deliciousness awaits you!